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Toccoa Christian Church is a local body of believers whose vision is to love people into Christ's likeness. While visiting with us, here is what you can expect to experience.

Biblical Teaching

WE believe that practical, relevant teaching is the catalyst for transformation in an individual's life. We believe the Bible is inspired by God, completely accurate and our authority regarding Christian beliefs and the guide for Christian living. We also value the Bible as the basis for understanding who God is and how to orient our lives around Him.

YOU can expect to hear teaching that is challenging, loving, relevant, and, above all, rooted in the Bible.

Authentic Worship

WE look for God’s love in our lives as the evidence that we have been truly worshiping Him. At TCC, worship is central to everything. Worship means learning to recognize God’s goodness while delighting to deepen in our responses. It means purposing together, as individuals and as a community, to unite our actions, intentions, and emotions in loving response to God.

YOU can expect to see us authentically signing and praising God during our service time, being led by a group of talented individuals who use their musical talents to glorify God.

Come As You Are

WE are a group of everyday, normal people who come together to be in a community with one another through encouragement and love. We all have our own unique personalities, preferences, and pasts. Yet when we come together, we set aside our differences to love, support, and care each other in the image of Jesus.

YOU can expect to come just as you are and to be loved. Regardless of your age, ethnicity, gender, background, home life, struggles, or choice of clothing, we would love to have you join us on Sunday morning at our 10:30 AM service.